Treatments are individualized and consist of various John F. Barnes' MFR techniques. A typical session begins with a brief, standing postural analysis. This is used as a starting point and a guide for how I will proceed with the treatment session. 'Reading' the body can suggest where possible fascial restrictions may lie.
Your first treatment is a 90 minute session and includes an assessment and client education for self treatment suggestions. Any following sessions are 60 minutes.
Often when postural deviations are brought more into alignment, painful symptoms or feelings of tightness will subside. Balanced posture provides optimal space allowing for optimal overall function of all of the body's systems.
Women may bring a stretchy tank top or wear a sports bra and short stretch shorts. Gym shorts for men.
Also please refrain from using body lotion before your appointment.
I request that you refrain from strong fragrances in consideration of other clients sensitivities.
Find the 'real you' beneath your pains and stresses!